November. 02:44. 8 dagar utan binder.

Jag publicerar detta bara för att kunna titta tillbaka på detta om några månader.

I can be feeling so good about myself, feeling great and in just half a second, i can be completely shattered in to a billion pieces.
Torn apart by something small, so stupid, so insignificant.
And i make myself feel like its my own fault, like im responsible for all my pain.

I dont know how to get rid of the pain.
Its a throbbing thorn in my heart, and i cant contain it anymore.
Some things can numb the pain, but only for a little while. In the end it comes back.
Stabbing me, pulling me to the ground.
I used to be able to get up again, there was a time when i could control it.
But this time its overwhelming.


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